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The combination of ventilation and macro-perforated film is essential to preserve the quality and freshness of eggs, as well as to comply with quality and food safety regulations, which benefits both producers and consumers in the egg industry for several reasons:

  1. Humidity Control:Controlled ventilation helps regulate humidity inside the egg carton, preventing condensation and mould formation, ensuring freshness and product quality.
  2. Prevention of Unwanted Odours:The macro-perforated film allows unwanted gases and odours to dissipate, which helps to maintain the purity of the egg flavour and prevents the absorption of external odours.
  3. Freshness Preservation:The ventilation and macro-perforated film allows the eggs to breathe, which helps to preserve freshness and prevent the build-up of gases that can affect egg quality.
  4. Shelf Life Extension: Ventilation helps extend the shelf life of eggs, which means less waste and economic loss for producers and consumers.
  5. Compliance with Quality Standards:Controlled ventilation can help comply with quality and food safety regulations in the egg industry, ensuring that products meet the required standards.
  6. Reduced Losses: Preventing condensation and mould formation through ventilation helps reduce economic losses for producers, distributors and retailers. Also less likely to be returned or rejected by retailers and consumers, saving time and costs.
  7. Sustainability: The use of macro-perforated film can reduce the need for additional packaging, promoting more sustainable resource management and waste reduction.
  8. Customer Satisfaction:By ensuring the quality and freshness of eggs, ventilation and macro-perforated film contribute to customer satisfaction and consumer loyalty.

It is for this reason that the Macroplat egg wrapper becomes an essential solution for the egg industry, bringing significant benefits: 

  • Unrivalled Freshness Preservation: The Macroplat wrapper ensures that eggs arrive at their destination in optimum condition. By perforating the stretch film and allowing controlled ventilation, it prevents moisture build-up that could affect the quality of the eggs. This ensures that the eggs are ready to meet consumer expectations in terms of freshness and flavour when they arrive at the point of sale.
  • Increased Stability of Heavy Loads:The Macroplat offers an additional advantage by increasing the stability of the heaviest and/or most sensitive loads. Its unique and efficient design not only preserves egg quality, but also improves transport safety by effectively securing loads, preventing shifting and possible damage during the packing process.
  • Reduced Operating Costs:For egg companies, every resource is valuable. The Macroplat helps to reduce operating costs by minimising the cost of packaging material, reducing labour and minimising waste. This not only improves profitability, but also contributes to more sustainable resource management.
  • Precise Ventilation Control:Eggs require precise ventilation control to preserve their quality. The Macroplat allows the size of the perforations in the stretch film to be adjusted, ensuring that the eggs receive the right amount of fresh air during transport. This is essential to maintain the freshness and characteristic flavour of the eggs.

All in all, the Macroplat egg wrapper becomes an essential partner for the egg industry. We work closely with our customers in this sector to maintain the integrity of their products during transport. Together, we are moving towards a future where eggs reach consumers with the quality and freshness they deserve.