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In the fruit and vegetable industry, the choice of packaging and wrapping method is crucial to guarantee the freshness and quality of perishable products. In this context, the use of macro-perforated stretch film emerges as an exceptionally beneficial option. Throughout this article, we will explore the numerous advantages offered by this wrapping technique for the transport of fruit and vegetables. From proper ventilation to cost savings and more sustainable waste management, macro-perforated stretch film is proving to be an essential ally in the preservation and efficiency of our supply chain.

  1. Proper ventilation: Macro-perforated film allows optimal air circulation around fruits and vegetables, which helps maintain freshness and prevents the build-up of gases that can accelerate the ripening process.
  2. Condensation prevention: Reduces the risk of condensation inside the packaging, which could cause damage or rotting of fruit and vegetables due to moisture.
  3. Prevents product suffocation: Facilitates the breathing of products by preventing them from suffocating due to an airtight seal, maintaining their quality and flavour.
  4. Temperature control: Allows better temperature control during transport, which is essential to preserve the quality of perishable fruits and vegetables.
  5. Damage reduction: Macro-perforated stretch film provides an additional layer of protection against shock and damage during handling and transport, preserving the integrity of the products.
  6. Cost savings: Macro-perforated stretch film is a more economical alternative compared to wrapping methods such as strapping and edge banding. This reduces operational and packaging costs, which is especially beneficial for the fruit and vegetable industry.
  7. Flexibility and adaptability: Macro-perforated stretch film easily adapts to different pallet and product sizes and shapes, making it versatile and convenient.
  8. Regulatory compliance: In some cases, food safety regulations may require the use of macro-perforated film for the transportation of perishable products, ensuring regulatory compliance.
  9. Facilitates waste management: Macro-perforated stretch film simplifies waste management by allowing all packaging material to be recycled in the same yellow container. In contrast, when strapping and corner pieces are used, two different types of waste must be separated: the strapping goes into the yellow bin and the cardboard from the corner piece must be disposed of in the blue bin. This not only saves time and effort in sorting waste, but also promotes more sustainable management by reducing the possibility of errors in the disposal of materials.

Fortunately, Controlpack has designed and patented the baling machine Macroplata unique baler that provides a number of significant advantages for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector. Throughout this article, we will explore in detail how the Macroplat can transform and optimise the palletisation of fresh produce, offering benefits ranging from operational efficiency and cost savings to preserving product quality and meeting safety standards. Let's discover together how this innovative solution can drive your company's success and competitiveness in the fresh produce industry.

  • Improved palletising efficiency: The Macroplat streamlines the palletising process by automatically perforating the stretch film as it is applied to the load. This reduces the time needed to complete the packaging and increases productivity.
  • Packaging cost savings: Automating the packaging process with the Macroplat significantly reduces costs by using standard film and minimising the need for labour. This translates into a return on investment in the short term.
  • Compliance with safety regulations: The Macroplat ensures compliance with strict safety regulations, especially important for sensitive products such as fruit and vegetables, while maintaining the integrity of the packaging and the quality of the product.
  • Sustainability and environmental responsibility: By reducing waste and optimising resource use, the Macroplat aligns with increasingly important sustainability practices in today's marketplace.
  • Increased pallet stability: Even the heaviest pallets maintain optimal stability during transport and storage with Macroplat. This reduces the risk of tipping and product damage.
  • Adaptability to different load types: The Macroplat is versatile and can be used for a variety of loads, making it suitable for a wide range of products.

These advantages highlight the importance and value that a Macroplat machine can bring to a fruit and vegetable company in terms of efficiency, cost, product quality and sustainability.