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In the flour industry, the Macroplat packaging machine and the use of macro-perforated film offer a comprehensive solution to optimise the packaging and storage of flour. This translates into significant cost savings by converting from standard stretch film to macro-perforated film. In addition, macro-perforated film provides additional protection against moisture and dirt, ensuring product quality during transport and storage. Let's take a look at the advantages of macro-perforated film for wrapping flour pallets:

  1. Prevention of condensation: By allowing air to circulate, the possibility of condensation inside the pallet, which could cause damage to the flour, is reduced.
  2. Prevents fungal and bacterial growth: Air circulation helps to maintain an environment less conducive to the growth of unwanted micro-organisms.
  3. Improves product quality: By preventing moisture build-up, the quality of the flour is preserved, preventing the formation of lumps or mould.
  4. Reduces the risk of contamination: By allowing air to circulate, the likelihood of the flour being contaminated by other materials or micro-organisms in the environment is reduced.
  5. Facilitates cooling: If flour is stored in cool conditions, air circulation facilitates the dissipation of heat generated during storage, which can help keep the flour in better condition.
  6. ncreases product durability: By maintaining a cooler, drier environment, the shelf life of the flour is extended, reducing the possibility of premature spoilage.
  7. Facilitates visual inspection: With macro-perforated film, it is easier to visually inspect the contents of the pallet without the need to remove the packaging material, making it easier to detect any problems early.
  8. Cost savings: By reducing the risk of flour spoilage, economic losses associated with the need to discard damaged products are avoided.
  9. Compliance with sanitary regulations: Maintaining adequate air circulation can contribute to compliance with regulations and standards related to food handling and storage.
  10. Improved logistical efficiency: Keeping flour in optimal condition during storage and transport reduces the need for additional handling and optimises the supply chain.

The flour industry faces constant challenges, and Macroplat emerges as an innovative solution. By converting standard film to macro-perforated, it not only optimises packaging costs but also offers great versatility. Furthermore, by offering greater pallet stability and reducing environmental impact through the use of biodegradable options, Macroplat is positioned as an indispensable tool for improving efficiency and sustainability in this sector.

  • Optimisation of packaging costs: The purchase of a macroplat allows for optimisation of packaging costs, as the machine can perforate standard stretch film and convert it into macro-perforated film. This eliminates the need to purchase pre-perforated film, resulting in significant long-term savings for the flour company.
  • Significantly increased pallet stability: Macroplat provides reinforcements in the film that increase stability abysmally. These reinforcements help to distribute the weight of the load on the pallet more evenly, drastically reducing the risk of tipping or damage during handling and transport.
  • Storage space optimisation: The machine is very versatile, as from normal stretch film, it can apply normal, macro-perforated or banded stretch film, all on a single type of film. This means that there is no need to keep different types of film in the warehouse, which saves space and simplifies the inventory management process.
  • Reduced environmental impact: By saving the manufacture of macro-perforated film, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, thus contributing to the protection of the ozone layer and combating climate change. In addition, macroplat is often used in conjunction with biodegradable film, which disintegrates completely without generating microplastics, offering a more eco-friendly alternative for flour packaging and thus reducing the environmental impact of the flour company's operations.