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During the summer months, it is common to face the problem of condensation in goods covered with conventional film. This phenomenon is mainly due to temperature and relative humidity variations, especially in environments where thermal differences are significant, such as warehouses, transport containers, or poorly ventilated storage areas.

Causes of condensation:

  • Temperature differences: Sudden changes in temperature between day and night cause condensation of the water vapor present in the air inside the packaging.
  • Relative humidity: High humidity, especially in humid climates or near bodies of water, favors the formation of condensation on cold surfaces like goods wrapped in plastic film.


Examples of affected goods:

  1. Perishable foods: Fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are especially sensitive to condensation, as it can accelerate their deterioration and affect their quality.
  2. Flours and food products: Condensation can affect the texture and quality of flours and other dry products, causing them to clump or become unusable.
  3. Organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers can generate internal heat due to microbiological activity. This heat can cause condensation if the fertilizers are covered with conventional film. This can not only affect the quality and effectiveness of the fertilizer but also generate unpleasant odors.


Solution with Macroplat:

To address this problem, CONTROLPACK SYSTEMS offers an innovative solution: the Macroplat machine. This wrapper can perforate standard stretch film and convert it into macro-perforated film. We highlight among its advantages:

  • Optimal ventilation: Allows air to circulate freely around the goods, regulating the temperature and reducing the relative humidity inside the packaging.
  • Cost savings in packaging: Converts standard film into macro-perforated or banded film, significantly reducing packaging costs.
  • Improved stability: The application of additional reinforcements helps increase the stability of loads during transport and storage.
  • Adaptability: Adjusts the size of the windows according to the product to be wrapped. Uses various films like biodegradable or colored ones, offering versatile and customized solutions.
  • Versatility: Choose between standard film, macro-perforated film, or film bands to wrap according to your needs.

Ready to combat condensation and optimize your packaging?

Request an on-site demonstration: Contact us to see how Macroplat can improve your company's packaging processes.

Contact us:

Phone: (+34) 977 713 562