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In the exciting world of carbonated beverages, choosing the right packaging is essential to ensure safety, quality and consumer experience. One of the key solutions that plays a crucial role in this context is macro-perforated film. In this article, we will explore the reasons why macro-perforated film has become the preferred choice for carbonated soft drinks, whether in cans, glass bottles or any other packaging.

  1. Pressure release: Carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks or carbonated soft drinks, contain dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) which generates pressure in the container. If the container does not allow for the controlled release of this pressure, it could deform or even explode. The macro-perforated film allows the excess gas to be released gradually through the perforations, avoiding pressure problems.
  2. Prevents container deformation: When carbonated beverages are stored or exposed to changing temperatures, the internal pressure may increase, which could deform or damage the container. Perforations in the film allow gas to escape, preventing unwanted deformation.
  3. Leak prevention: Carbonated beverages are often transported and stored in conditions where temperatures and altitudes can vary. This can lead to an increase in internal pressure and, in some cases, the formation of leaks if the container cannot handle it properly. The macro-perforated film prevents excessive pressure build-up and reduces the risk of leakage.
  4. Maintaining taste and quality: The controlled release of gas through the perforations maintains the freshness and taste of the carbonated beverage by preventing loss of carbonation and minimising contact with air.
  5. Waste reduction: The use of macro-perforated film can help prevent damage to containers during transport and storage due to internal pressure, reducing product and packaging waste.
  6. Explosion prevention: In extreme cases, excessive pressure build-up in an aerated beverage container could lead to an explosion of the container, which is dangerous for both the consumer and the handling personnel. The macro-perforated film helps prevent such situations by allowing a gradual release of pressure.
  7. Compliance with safety regulations: In many countries, there are regulations and safety standards governing the packaging of carbonated beverages. The use of macro-perforated film may be a requirement to comply with these regulations and ensure product safety.
  8. Effervescence control: Effervescence is a desired characteristic of carbonated beverages, as it provides fizz and effervescence when consumed. The macro-perforated film allows for more precise control of fizz by releasing the gas in a controlled manner, which can enhance the consumer experience.
  9. Increased shelf life: By preventing excessive internal pressure build-up and preventing deformation or damage to the package, macro-perforated film can contribute to a longer shelf life of the carbonated beverage, benefiting both manufacturers and retailers.
  10. Sustainability: By allowing the gradual release of gas and preventing product loss due to pressure build-up, macro-perforated film can contribute to a reduction in aerated beverage waste, which aligns with sustainability and environmental responsibility goals.

The Macroplat is the ideal choice for the carbonated beverage sector, and here are the reasons why:

  • Improved pallet stability: The Macroplat perforates the film as it is applied to the load, ensuring that even the heaviest pallets, such as those of glass bottles of cava, maintain optimum stability during transport and storage.
  • Packaging cost savings: Automating the packaging process with the Macroplat significantly reduces costs by using standard film and minimising the need for manual labour.
  • Waste reduction: By preventing damage to the load, the Macroplat contributes to the reduction of product and packaging waste, which is essential for efficient resource management.
  • Compliance with safety regulations: The Macroplat ensures compliance with strict safety regulations, especially for sensitive products such as cava, while maintaining bottle integrity and product quality.
  • Sustainability and efficiency: By reducing waste and optimising the use of resources, the Macroplat contributes to the company's sustainability practices, which is increasingly important in today's market.